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June 2, 2016

The site of this private residence is 13 acres of hilly rural land overlooking the surrounding countryside of eastern Oklahoma – a mostly agricultural area dotted with occasional oil and gas pumps. Though a mere 5 minute drive from shopping developments and a nearby state highway, it has the feeling of a secluded and relatively forgotten rural landscape, with the sounds of insects and birds more prevalent than human activity. This private rural home is to be a place of reflection and inspiration for the owner – a successful businesswoman of many talents – and have a sense of spirit and spaciousness to reflect the owner’s broad ambitions and zest for life.

The home – a modern interpretation of Midwest barns and utilitarian structures – reflects the practical sensibility of rural living. Simple forms and raw materials of broad overhanging galvanized metal roofs, split-face concrete block, stucco and exposed steel marry the home to the rugged beauty of the rolling Midwest prairie. High clerestory windows allow secondary natural light to softly illuminate the interiors. The main east/west axis, open with glass at both ends, acts like a periscope to focus the entire house west to take in the rugged natural countryside and spectacular Oklahoma sunsets.