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Casa de Luz

July 19, 2022

Casa de Luz, or House of Light, is designed for a family of five. The home’s design is our recipe of Midwest Modern with the added spice of modern Mexican architecture. This special ingredient was inspired by the wife’s Mexican birthplace and her architect father’s lifelong influence on her aesthetic tastes. A central 60-foot-wide glass wall opens to the expansive views of the property’s greatest asset – a heavily treed front yard with undulating terrain and a dry creek bed running the entirety of the 250-foot-wide lot. When the Oklahoma rain bears down, the creek bed transforms into a deep, fast-flowing ribbon of water kinked by large rock outcroppings.  The glass wall is enclosed within an extruded stucco frame that offers a deep protective cover to the central outdoor space. Flanking stone blocks carved out for fenestration bookend the dramatic center stucco frame.